Sanctions against Russia : recent developments (18 October updates)

EU Adopts New Package of Sanctions Targeting Russia On 6 October 2022 Council of the European Union adopted an eighth package of sanctions targeting Russia following the recent actions attempted by the Russian Government as part of the special military operation in Ukraine. Besides the extension of the personal sanctions list, EU introduced the following […]


Russian counter measures. Recent developments (29 september 2022 update)

Procedure for the Approval of Transactions with Shares in a Russian LLC Adopted On 19 September 2022 Russian Government introduced amendments establishing a procedure for approval of transactions involving shares in Russian limited liability companies. Such transactions are considered as controlled operations and are to be approved by the Governmental Commission for the Control of […]

Moscow Desk


Sanctions against russia. Recent revelopments (13 september update)

CONTROL OF TRANSACTIONS WITH SHARES IN AN LLC On 8 September 2022, Russian President issued Decree No. 618 “On Special Procedure for Execution of Certain Transactions (Operations)” (the “Decree”). The decree provides for new rules, specifically for transactions involving transfer of shares in Russian LLCs as well as transactions involving Russian banks under sanctions.  We […]

Moscow Desk


Russian counter measures. Recent Developments (19 August 2022 update)

Russia has adopted a series of new measures. Namely, the President introduced new restrictions concerning transactions with shares in certain Russian companies. The Government added new jurisdictions to the list of unfriendly states. At the same time, the Russian Central Bank suspended some of its previously adopted restrictions. For more information on sanctions targeting Russia, […]

Moscow Desk


Sanctions against Russia. Recent Developments (9 August update)

On 21 July 2022, Council of the EU adopted a seventh package of sanctions targeting Russia. The new package establishes new bans and exemptions for sectoral sanctions. It also targets new persons and entities, including Sberbank. Additionally, the US expanded their individual sanctions. Below is an overview of the latest sanctions. For more information on […]

Moscow Desk


Russian counter measures : recent developments (update July 12, 2022)

Russia has adopted a series of new measures. Namely, the President and the Government introduced new measures that mainly facilitate operations involving foreign currency. Laws on legalization of parallel importation and on additional powers of the President became effective. Certain legal initiatives were rejected or put on hold. Specifically, the review of the draft law […]

Paris, Moscow Desk


Sanctions against Russia. Recent developments.

On 22 February 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed laws ratifying agreements with the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR) recognizing them as independent states. On 24 February 2022 President Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine. Sanctions were adopted against Russia further to these actions of Russia (please see our previous […]

Moscow Desk


Russian counter measures : recent developments (update May 3, 2022)

Today, the President signed a new order introducing certain restrictions on transactions involving sanctioned persons. The order does not provide for a list of such targeted persons – the Government is to prepare a list within ten days. Moreover, Russia proposed several legal initiatives countering introduced sanctions. Such initiatives include criminal liability for compliance with […]

Paris, Moscow Desk


Russian counter measures. Recent developments (13 April updates)

The initial legal initiative on external administration of the foreign companies (also known as the “nationalization draft law”) has been put on hold, according to an information published on 11 April 2022 by Izvestia. 1 Three sources in the Government confirmed that, “since most of the companies only made declarations of suspension or suspended their […]

Moscow Desk
