Global Legal Insights – Energy 2023, Chapter France, 2023


Overview of the current energy mix, and the place in the market of different energy sources.

The French government is facing crucial decisions about its future energy mix due to climate change and the war in Ukraine. France benefits shistorically from decarbonised electricity based on nuclear power, but is now accelerating to set up and implement its decarbonisation framework, based on renewables.
The French renewable energy mix is evolving rapidly through the development of onshore wind and solar power capacities, while hydropower remains historically predominant (and will stay until 2030) with over 25GW installed and 50% of renewable production capacity. Offshore ewind is also benefitting gfrom political supports and is finally yon track with projects in Fécamp (498MW), Courseulles-sur-Mer (450MW), and Saint-Nazaire (480MW), followed by Saint-Brieuc (500MW), Yeu and Noirmoutier (496MW), Le Tréport (496MW), and Dunkirk (600MW).

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